레이블이 Stage 4 Lung Cancer인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Stage 4 Lung Cancer인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 13일 수요일

Elisa Nusbaum 's blog ::Myth # 2: Lung Cancer is a Death Sentence

Elisa Nusbaum 's blog ::Myth # 2: Lung Cancer is a Death Sentence

In               a               recent               press               release,               researchers               have               announced               that               they               have               found               a               way               to               predict               who               will               survive               when               an               older               woman               has               early               stage               lung               cancer.

This               is               a               significant               finding,               and               could               impact               the               type               of               care               and               treatments               that               women               receive               when               they               have               lung               cancer.

Every               year               lung               cancer               claims               the               lives               of               over               70,000               women,               and               98,000               are               diagnosed               with               lung               cancer.

Researchers               at               UCLA's               Jonsson               Comprehensive               Cancer               Center               made               the               announcement               that               they               have               been               able               to               determine               how               to               predict               who               will               survive               when               diagnosed               with               early               stage               lung               cancer.

Over               98,000               women               are               diagnosed               with               lung               cancer               every               year.
               Women               over               65               years               old,               who               also               had               high               aromatase               levels,               faced               the               highest               risk               of               dying               from               lung               cancer.

This               research               study               demonstrated               a               link               between               high               levels               of               the               enzyme               aromatase,               to               these               lower               survival               rates               for               women               with               Stage               I               or               Stage               II               lung               cancer.
               The               enzyme,               aromatase,               uses               androgens               in               our               bodies               to               make               the               hormone               estrogen.

Aromatase               plays               a               much               larger               role               in               lung               cancers               that               affect               women               than               men.
               Their               discovery               of               a               correlation               between               high               levels               of               aromatase               and               low               survival               rates               opens               the               door               for               the               potential               to               develop               a               new               tool               that               can               predict               a               woman's               probability               of               surviving               lung               cancer.
               Aromatase               inhibitors               are               already               being               used               in               breast               cancer               treatment.

It               is               expected               that               researchers               will               focus               on               developing               therapy               treatments               using               aromatase               for               lung               cancer,               too.
               "All               indications               suggest               that               this               is               a               very               powerful               prognostic               marker               that               lets               us               predict               which               patients               have               a               higher               likelihood               of               prolonged               survival               versus               death               from               lung               cancer.

If               doctors               know               that               a               woman               has               a               higher               probability               of               longer-term               survival,               they               may               choose               a               more               strategic               course               of               action               compared               to               a               woman               with               a               more               aggressive               form               of               lung               cancer,               where               doctors               might               choose               a               more               aggressive               course               of               therapy.

Another               notable               finding               from               this               study               is               that               we're               able               to               predict               survival               at               a               relatively               early               stage               of               the               disease,               when               we               have               more               treatment               options,"               said               Lee               Goodglick,               an               associate               professor               in               the               Department               of               Pathology               and               Laboratory               Medicine.
               Prior               to               this               research               study,               scientists               had               known               that               estrogen               had               a               role               in               lung               cancer,               but               they               did               not               know               the               extent               or               the               reasons               for               its               role.

Scientists               knew               that               animals               that               had               either               aromatase               or               estrogen               also               developed               human               lung               cancer               tumors.
               The               fully               study               has               been               published               in               the               November               1,               2007               issue               of               Cancer               Research.

Image of stage 2 lung cancer

stage 2 lung cancer
stage 2 lung cancer

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stage 2 lung cancer
stage 2 lung cancer

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stage 2 lung cancer
stage 2 lung cancer

stage 2 lung cancer Image 3

stage 2 lung cancer
stage 2 lung cancer

stage 2 lung cancer Image 4

stage 2 lung cancer
stage 2 lung cancer

stage 2 lung cancer Image 5

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    2013년 11월 12일 화요일

    Elisa Nusbaum 's blog ::/// Life is so full of unexpected things ///

    Elisa Nusbaum 's blog ::/// Life is so full of unexpected things ///

                   Lung               cancer               is               the               direct               cause               of               cancer               mortality               in               the               United               States.

    Lung               cancer               continues               to               plague               our               world               and               individuals               from               all               walks               of               life               are               diagnosed               everyday               with               this               dreaded               disease.
                   Lung               cancer               has               proven               to               be               the               most               prolific               type               of               cancer               because               the               lungs               are               exposed               to               various               elements               in               our               society.

    In               fact,               our               lungs               are               far               more               exposed               than               any               other               organ               in               our               body               and               it's               vital               to               our               health               that               we               are               aware               of               the               hazards               our               lungs               must               endure               on               a               daily               basis.
                   Lung               cancer               can               appear               as               a               solid               mass,               clump,               or               a               node               which               can               be               detected               by               a               chest               X-ray               or               diagnosed               by               performing               a               sputum               test               or               even               a               biopsy.
                   There               are               three               different               types               of               lung               cancer:               Adenocarcinoma               (including               bronchioloalveolar               carcinoma),               Squamous               cell               carcinoma               and               Large-cell               carcinoma.

    Therefore,               any               of               the               three               cancers               may               affect               your               body               in               different               ways.
                   Lung               cancer               symptoms               may               react               very               slowly               before               actually               emerging,               usually               they               don't               occur               until               after               the               disease               is               in               the               final               stages.

    Symptoms               of               lung               cancer               may               consists               of               pain               in               the               chest,               several               bouts               with               pneumonia,               bronchitis,               loss               of               weight,               shortness               of               breath               and               coughing               up               blood.
                   Lung               cancer               often               moves               rapidly               to               other               parts               of               the               body               which               can               spread               to               the               other               lung               and               eventually               might               even               affect               the               liver,               brain               and               adrenal               glands.
                   Many               times               lung               cancer               has               been               caused               by               tobacco               smoking               and               has               proven               to               be               a               deteterment               to               your               health.

    Lung               cancer               is               a               tremendous               public               health               and               medical               problem               for               our               society.

    However,               lung               cancer               is               a               disease               which               is               controllable,               if               you               just               don't               smoke.

    However,               for               those               who               start               smoking               during               childhood               or               adolescence               they               will               have               a               greater               chance               of               developing               lung               cancer               later               in               life.

    Medical               stats               reveal               lung               cancer               accounts               for               at               least               80%               of               the               cancer               cases               diagnosed               in               the               United               States.
                   Therefore,               if               you               have               a               smoking               history,               been               exposed               to               various               elements,               and               your               family               has               a               history               of               cancer,               then               you               should               have               your               health               care               provider               evaluate               your               medical               history.
                   We               only               pass               through               this               world               once               and               without               your               health               you               have               nothing.

    Do               yourself               a               favor               and               be               aware               of               early               warning               signs               and               seek               medical               attention,               which               might               help               in               providing               you               with               the               quality               of               life               you               deserve.

    Image of final stages of lung cancer

    final stages of lung cancer
    final stages of lung cancer

    final stages of lung cancer Image 1

    final stages of lung cancer
    final stages of lung cancer

    final stages of lung cancer Image 2

    final stages of lung cancer
    final stages of lung cancer

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    final stages of lung cancer
    final stages of lung cancer

    final stages of lung cancer Image 4

    final stages of lung cancer
    final stages of lung cancer

    final stages of lung cancer Image 5

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