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레이블이 Liver Cancer Cures인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'treatment for liver cancer'|Transcription factor is potential target for liver cancer treatment

About 'treatment for liver cancer'|Transcription factor is potential target for liver cancer treatment

Hypogonadism               occurs               in               men               and               women,               fewer               -               number               of               hormones               produced               by               sex               glands               (In               men               testes               and               woman               ovaries).

Foremost               cause               of               hypogonadism:               Infection,               genetics,               autoimmune               disorders,               liver               &               kidney               disease,               surgery               and               radiation               (Or               chemotherapy               for               cancer               interfering               with               testosterone               and               sperm               production               4).

1               Also,               male               hypogonadism               linked               to               aging,               HIV/AIDS,               side               effect               of               medication               and               obesity.

4               In               men               hypogonadism               (testosterone               deficiency)               inhibited               by               hormone               secretion               (May               occur               during               fetal               development               and               puberty.


"Signs               /               Symptoms               associated               with               male               hypogonadism               include               erectile               dysfunction               and               decreased               sexual               desire,               fatigue               of               energy,               mood               depression,               regression               of               secondary               sexual               characteristics               and               osteoporosis."               In               2010,               the               Food               and               Drug               Administration               approved               a               new               transdermal               treatment               for               male               testosterone               deficiency.

2               Estimated               in               the               United               States,               up               to               13               million               men               over               45               years               of               age               have               symptoms               associated               with               low               testosterone.

2               Men               over               the               age               of               50,               estimated               to               have               below               normal               healthy               testosterone,               range               from               10%               to               39%.

"However,               in               the               majority               of               men               this               remains               undiagnosed               with               only               5%               to               10%               of               those               with               the               condition               receiving               treatment."               6
               Currently,               testosterone               medication               available               to               treat               hypogonadism               in               men               includes               tablets,               patches,               injections               and               topical               gels               applied               by               the               hands.

In               November               2010,               the               Food               and               Drug               Administration               approved               Axiron:               First               underarm               testosterone               replacement               topical               solution               (Alcohol-based               2)               application               for               male               testosterone               deficiency.

2               Axiron               developed               by               Acrux               Ltd,               Australian               Drug               Company.

Eli               Lilly               purchased               the               worldwide               license               agreement               with               Acrux               to               commercialize               Axiron.

According               to               the               agreement:               Acurx               and               Eli               Lily               upon               approval               of               Axiron               by               the               FDA:               "In               exchange               for               commercialization               rights,               Acrux               receives               an               upfront               payment               of               $50               million               plus               $3               million               on               the               transfer               of               manufacturing               assets,               and               $87               million,               following               the               regulatory               approval."               Also,               Acrux               may               collect               up               to               $195               million               in               potential               royalty               payments               on               future               global               sales.

Axiron               is               anticipated               to               be               available               for               male               testosterone               therapy               in               2011.

The               medication               will               contribute               to               the               $1               billion               United               States               market               annum               testosterone               therapy,               growing               at               rate               of               twenty               percent               annually.

               Acrurx               study               of               Axiron               155               male               participants               in               six               countries               and               26               sites:               "Axiron               spray               restored               levels               of               testosterone               to               normal               in               84               percent               of               testosterone-deficient               men               after               four               months."               The               armpit               application               of               Axiron               provides               a               fast-dying               and               pleasant               smelling               transdermal               drug               delivery               solution               once               daily.

Men               reported               experiencing               twice               as               much               sex               and               80               percent               more               libido               on               average,               after               applying               Axiron.

"Men               under               the               study               also               had               a               35               percent               increase               in               sexual               performance               and               a               13               percent               increase               in               positive               mood."               During               the               study,               use               of               deodorant               or               antiperspirant               did               not               affect               the               analysis               study               of               Axiron.

6               Studied               participants               common               adverse               reaction               increase               red               blood               cell               count,               headache,               diarrhea,               vomiting               and               an               increase               in               blood               level               of               Prostate               Specific               Antigen               ("a               test               used               to               screen               prostate               cancer.").

Axiron               should               be               discontinued               if               the               medication               causes               swelling               of               the               ankles,               feet               or               body,               enlarged               or               painful               breasts,               problems               with               breathing,               consult               your               physician.

2               "However,               the               safety               and               efficacy               of               Axiron               in               men               younger               than               18               years               of               age               have               not               been               established,               the               company               noted               (Eli               Lilly)"               5
               Recommended               after               applying               Axiron               (using               the               applicator),               wash               your               hands               with               soap               &               water               and               cover               the               application               area               with               a               cloth,               once               the               solution               has               dried.

"Keep               the               area               covered               until               you               have               washed               the               application               area               well               or               have               showered."               Prevent               the               exposure               of               the               armpit               medication               from               contacting               the               skin               of               another               person               especially               a               child               or               a               woman.

"Do               not               use               Axiron               if               you               have               or               might               have               prostate               cancer,               have               breast               cancer,               are               pregnant               or               may               become               pregnant               or               are               breast-feeding."               The               medication               may               not               be               advisable               for               application,               when               taking               vitamins,               herbal               supplements,               prescriptions               and               non-prescriptions,               consult               your               health               care               provider               or               physician.

               In               2009,               Acrux               confirm               in               a               published               United               States               market               research               report:               Two-Thirds               of               patients               would               prefer               Axiron               compared               to               their               current               gel               treatment               (testosterone               replacement)               and               87%               of               physicians               said               would               offer               Axiron               to               their               patients               that               currently               use               gels.

               1.)               Hypoogonadism:
               2.)               FDA               Approves               Axiron               -               http://www.drugs.com/newdrugs/lilly-acrux-receive-fda-approval-axiron-testosterone-topical-solution-ciii-2456.html
               3.)               Male               hypogonadism               -               http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/male-hypogonadism/DS00300/DSECTION=symptoms
               4.)               Male               Hypogonadism               -               Causes               -               http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/male-hypogonadism/DS00300/DSECTION=causes
               5.)               Eli               Lilly               Says               FDA               Approved               Testosterone               Replacement               Therapy               Axiron               -               http://www.rttnews.com/Content/BreakingNews.aspx?Node=B1&Id=1489002
               6.)               Testorone               underam               spray               Axiron               to               boost               sex               drive               in               men               from               Acrux               on               way               -               http://www.dancewithshadows.com/pillscribe/testosterone-underarm-spray-axiron-to-boost-sex-drive-in-men-from-acrux-on-way/

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treatment for liver cancer
treatment for liver cancer

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treatment for liver cancer

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treatment for liver cancer
treatment for liver cancer

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treatment for liver cancer
treatment for liver cancer

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treatment for liver cancer

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