레이블이 End-Stage Lung Cancer Symptom인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 End-Stage Lung Cancer Symptom인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'stage 4 lung cancer symptoms'|Ovarian Cancer FAQ -Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, Stages

About 'stage 4 lung cancer symptoms'|Ovarian Cancer FAQ -Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, Stages

Oscar               and               Tony               winning               actress               Patricia               Neal               died               Sunday               at               her               home               on               Martha's               Vineyard.

She               was               84.

Neal               had               been               battling               lung               cancer.

In               1963,               Neal               starred               in               'Hud'               with               Paul               Newman,               a               movie               that               earned               her               an               Oscar               for               her               role               as               Alma               Brown.

Patricia               Neal               Overcame               Three               Debilitating               Strokes:
               After               the               first               day               of               filming               'Seven               Women',               Patricia               Neal               was               giving               her               daughter               a               bath               when               she               suffered               a               stroke               at               the               age               of               39.

Once               she               arrived               at               UCLA               Medical               Center,               she               had               two               more               and               was               taken               in               for               surgery.

She               was               comatose               for               21               days               and               during               that               time,               'Variety'               ran               a               story               that               the               actress               had               died.
               Patricia               Neal               had               difficulty               speaking               and               talking               following               her               strokes.

For               a               while,               she               wore               a               brace               on               her               right               leg               and               there               was               evidence               that               she               was               suffering               from               some               paralysis.

According               to               the               LA               Times,               her               therapy               included               swimming               in               a               pool,               crossword               puzzles,               and               memory               games.
               "I               loathed               life               when               I               first               went               back               to               England,"               Neal               said.

"I               had               exercises               to               do               every               day.

My               husband               had               people               coming               in               to               teach               me               -               three               a               day.

I               wanted               to               commit               suicide,               but               I               didn't               know               how."
               In               1968,               Patricia               Neal               returned               to               the               stage               to               perform               in               the               play,               'The               Subject               Was               Roses'               and               was               once               again               nominated               for               an               Academy               Award.
               Neal's               determination               to               overcome               these               strokes               and               reclaim               her               acting               career               is               chronicled               in               the               1981               television               movie               'The               Patricia               Neal               Story'               starring               Glenda               Jackson.

Neal               became               a               champion               for               rehabilitation               after               going               through               her               own               recovery               process               and               in               1978,               the               rehab               center               at               Fort               Sanders               Regional               Medical               Center               in               her               hometown               of               Knoxville,               Tennessee               was               dedicated               as               'The               Patricia               Neal               Rehabilitation               Center'.
               Patricia               Neal's               Personal               Life               Included               a               Great               Love               for               Gary               Cooper:
               Patricia               Neal               was               in               love               with               actor               Gary               Cooper               who               was               25-years               her               senior.

Their               relationship               began               during               the               filming               of               'The               Fountainhead'               in               1949.

The               pair               also               appeared               together               in               'The               Bright               Leaf'               in               1950.
               Gary               Cooper               left               his               wife               and               intended               to               marry               Neal;               however,               he               and               his               wife               reconciled               in               1954               and               Neal               went               on               to               marry               British               writer               Roald               Dahl.

The               couple               was               married               30               years               and               divorced               in               1983.
               In               Neal's               1988               autobiography,               'As               I               Am',               she               said               of               Gary               Cooper,               "He               is               one               of               the               most               beautiful               things               that               ever               happened               to               me               in               my               life.

I               love               him               even               now."
               Neal               just               didn't               have               the               same               love               for               Roald               Dahl               as               she               did               for               Gary               Cooper.

In               fact,               in               her               autobiography               she               called               Dahl,               "Roald               the               slave               driver,               Roald               the               bastard...Roald               the               Rotten..."
               Patricia               Neal               was               a               talented               actress               who               overcame               the               tragedies               life               threw               her               way.

Not               only               did               she               suffer               three               strokes,               she               lost               two               children               when               they               were               very               young.

Patricia               Neal               marched               on               and               gave               life               her               all.
               Patricia               Neal               said               it               best               when,               according               to               IMDb,               she               said,               "I               think               I               was               born               stubborn,               that's               all."
               According               to               WebMD,               a               quarter               of               those               with               lung               cancer               do               not               have               any               symptoms               at               the               time               they               are               diagnosed.

Many               times,               cancers               are               identified               during               a               chest               x-ray               done               for               other               reasons.
               Three               fourths               of               people               with               cancer               have               symptoms               present               that               are               due               to               direct               effects               of               the               primary               tumor,               effects               of               metastatic               tumors               in               other               parts               of               the               body,               or               malignant               disturbances               of               hormone,               blood,               or               other               systems.
               Symptoms               of               Lung               Cancer               Include               But               Are               Not               Limited               To:
               -               Coughing,               coughing               up               blood,               chest               pain,               and               shortness               of               breath               are               all               primary               symptoms               of               lung               cancer.
               -               If               you               are               a               smoker               or               former               smoker               with               a               new               cough               or               have               a               cough               that               does               not               go               away               or               gets               worse,               see               a               physician,
               -               Shortness               in               breath               is               usually               caused               by               a               blockage               in               part               of               the               lung,               fluid               around               the               lung,               or               the               spread               of               the               tumor               through               the               lung.
               -               Wheezing               or               hoarseness               may               also               be               caused               by               a               blockage               in               the               lungs               or               inflammation.
               -               A               dull,               aching,               persistent               pain               in               the               chest               is               present               in               about               a               quarter               of               people               with               lung               cancer.

If               you               are               experiencing               any               of               these               symptoms,               it               wouldn't               hurt               to               see               your               physician               to               have               it               checked               out.
               -               If               you               repeatedly               come               down               with               respiratory               infections               (bronchitis               or               pneumonia,               for               example),               this               could               be               a               sign               that               you               have               lung               cancer.
               Patricia               Neal               Fan               
               Obituary:               Patricia               Neal               dies               at               84;               Oscar-winning               actress               -               latimes.com               
               Patricia               Neal               -               Biography,               IMDb               
               Lung               Cancer,               WebMD

Image of stage 4 lung cancer symptoms

stage 4 lung cancer symptoms
stage 4 lung cancer symptoms

stage 4 lung cancer symptoms Image 1

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stage 4 lung cancer symptoms

stage 4 lung cancer symptoms Image 2

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stage 4 lung cancer symptoms

stage 4 lung cancer symptoms Image 3

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stage 4 lung cancer symptoms

stage 4 lung cancer symptoms Image 4

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stage 4 lung cancer symptoms Image 5

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    2013년 11월 12일 화요일

    Elisa Nusbaum 's blog ::How Helpful Is The Recognition Of Early Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

    Elisa Nusbaum 's blog ::How Helpful Is The Recognition Of Early Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

    The               typical               screening               procedure               for               lung               cancer               can               sometimes               be               a               scary               thing               to               consider,               but               then               the               alternative               is               pretty               grim               as               well.

    There               is               currently               a               fairly               strong               debate               raging               over               the               need               for               regular               lung               cancer               screening.

    At               the               crux               of               this               debate               is               whether               it               is               necessary               to               have               a               regular               lung               cancer               screening               done               by               CT               scan               or               not,               and               if               so,               who               should               do               this,               and               when?

    It               would               be               totally               brilliant               if               one               of               the               awesome               minds               of               this               world               could               come               up               with               a               simpler               and               cheaper               way               to               test               for               major               illnesses,               but               that               is               just               a               dream               for               now.

    Logically               if               your               family               has               a               history               of               lung               cancer               then               you               should               probably               have               a               simple               CT               scan               done               for               that               particular               disease,               and               if               you               choose               to               not               acknowledge               this               fact               and               skip               having               the               CT               scan,               then               that               should               be               totally               your               choice.

    But               if               you               want               to               do               something               smart               and               proactive               have               a               CT               scan               done               for               lung               cancer               early               on               in               order               to               prevent               the               onset               of               something               more               serious.

    I               personally               believe               that               you               should               do               whatever               it               takes               to               get               the               screening               done               for               lung               cancer               if               you               have               any               real               reason               for               concern.

    Bear               in               mind               there               is               always               the               chance               of               receiving               a               false               positive,               but               this               is               also               true               with               many               other               important               things               in               life,               most               of               which               are               not               life               threatening.
                   Another               part               of               this               debate               is               about               the               increase               in               extraneous               procedures               based               on               positive               results               on               a               lung               cancer               test,               and               what               are               the               potential               risks,               plus               what               are               the               long               term               effects               of               these               procedures.

    The               primary               fear               is               that               people               will               overreact               and               have               all               kinds               of               invasive               surgeries               done               when               in               reality               a               wait               and               see               approach               might               have               been               the               wiser               choice.

    People               also               need               to               understand               that               there               are               risks               with               any               medical               procedure,               even               with               something               so               simple               sounding               as               a               CT               scan!!
                   The               risk               to               the               patient               during               a               CT               scan               are               similar               to               those               of               x-rays,               and               there               is               still               some               radiation               involved.

    Many               people               who               have               health               concerns               such               as               asthma,               diabetes,               heart               disease,               kidney               problems,               or               thyroid               conditions,               may               experience               some               reaction               to               the               "contrast               media"               which               a               liquid               you               have               to               drink               before               the               CT               scan.

    This               is               basically               a               "dye"               and               be               aware               that               they               may               even               have               to               do               an               intravenous               injection               as               well.

    If               you               have               food               allergies               to               things               such               as               shellfish,               shrimp,               and               or               lobster,               then               you               may               have               to               take               some               other               medicines               to               prevent               a               reaction.

    If               your               health               program               does               not               cover               this,               or               if               it               is               only               partially               covered,               the               real               cost               of               this               scan               can               be               anywhere               between               $600               and               $1200               of               which               you               may               have               to               pay               some               or               all               depending               on               your               coverage.
                   There               is               mounting               evidence               that               early               detection               is               the               best               way               to               help               us               fight               many               diseases,               which               includes               many               cancers.

    Statistics               show               that               for               many               years               lung               cancer               has               been               the               leading               cause               of               cancer               death               for               men               and               women               in               the               United               States.

    Data               suggests               that               the               sum               of               this               group               is               even               higher               than               the               next               three               cancers               combined               Colon,               Breast,               and               Prostate.

    There               are               issues               with               detection               levels               with               the               normal               tests               that               most               medical               plans               will               cover,               and               that               is               x-ray.

    Some               of               the               cancer               sites               are               so               small               that               it               is               nearly               impossible               to               detect               them               by               x-ray.
                   Unless               your               family               has               a               history               of               cancer,               or               you               are               in               some               environmental               way               predisposed               to               having               a               lung               cancer               issue,               most               of               us               would               never               even               think               to               have               our               lungs               checked               for               cancer               when               it               is               in               the               earliest               stages.

    This               is               a               problem               because               most               cancers               are               usually               only               discovered               by               the               patient               exhibiting               some               type               of               lung               cancer               symptom,               or               via               a               chest               x-ray.

    Many               times               it               is               only               accidentally               uncovered               when               a               patient               has               chest               x-rays               for               some               other               condition               and               a               spot               shows               up               on               the               chest               x-ray!
                   My               grandfather               was               a               coal               miner               in               West               Virginia               for               over               40               years,               and               he               had               what               back               then               they               called               black               lung,               due               to               his               exposure               levels               to               coal               dust,               and               his               symptoms,               he               knew               exactly               what               it               was               even               before               the               x-rays               showed               it               to               be               true.

    In               that               era               it               was               a               foregone               conclusion               that               if               you               were               working               in               that               industry,               then               you               probably               ended               up               with               lung               cancer.

    Add               to               that               his               smoking               two               packs               a               day               of               camel               non               filtered               cigarettes,               plus               drinking               a               case               a               day               of               Carling               Black               Label               beer,               and               it               was               a               miracle               he               lived               as               long               as               he               did.

    The               point               is               even               if               he               had               been               screened               earlier               on               using               x-ray,               which               was               the               best               available               technology               back               then               it               would               have               been               way               too               late               to               help               him               anyhow.

    Once               the               lung               cancer               has               spread               or               metastasized,               it               is               usually               too               late               to               even               stop               the               progression               of               the               cancer               because               putting               cancer               into               remission               takes               a               lot               of               science               and               some               serious               chemistry
                   What               modern               medical               practitioners               are               discovering               is               that               using               CT               or               CAT               Scans               you               may               be               able               to               find               lung               and               other               cancer               tumors               much               earlier,               where               the               possibility               of               curing               the               cancer               is               still               reasonably               high.

    CT               scan               or               CAT               scan               is               actually               "Computerized               Axial               Tomography"               this               is               where               the               radiologist               takes               an               enhanced               x-ray               of               you.

    This               image               is               a               computerized               digital               cross               section               snapshot               of               your               entire               body,               or               it               can               be               done               for               specific               areas               like               your               lungs               if               desired.

    The               radiologist               who               performs               the               scan               is               typically               the               same               person               who               uses               the               special               CT               scan               imaging               software               and               their               history               of               learned               skills               to               "interpret"               the               results.

    Most               times               the               results               are               crystal               clear,               but               if               there               is               any               doubt               at               all,               then               it               is               advisable               to               either               get               a               second               opinion,               or               get               another               scan               done               as               early               as               possible.
                   Bottom               line               is               opinions               are               like               backsides,               and               in               my               humble               opinion,               if               you               think               you               should               have               your               chest               looked               at               for               the               possible               presence               of               lung               cancer,               then               you               should               be               tested               using               the               best               available               technology,               and               you               should               do               it               as               early               as               possible!

    Also               do               not               be               afraid               to               get               a               second               opinion!!

    Image of lung cancer early symptoms

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