레이블이 Lung Cancer인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Lung Cancer인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'inoperable lung cancer'|Lung Cancer Answer……………………………….. Betcha didn’t even know there was any Question

About 'inoperable lung cancer'|Lung Cancer Answer……………………………….. Betcha didn’t even know there was any Question

Evidence               indicates               that               several               botanical               medicines               may               be               able               to               restrict               the               growth               of               cancer               cells;               others               ease               the               side               effects               associated               with               chemotherapy               and               other               conventional               treatment               options.

Several               anticancer               herbs               can               support               --               but               not               replace               --               conventional               care               and               chemotherapy.

Preliminary               evidence               indicates               that               these               complementary               herbs               for               cancer               treatment               may               increase               survival               rate               and               quality               of               life               among               cancer               patients               receiving               chemotherapy.
               However,               "natural"               does               not               mean               "safe".

These               products               may               cause               unanticipated               side               effects               or               drug               interactions.

Before               taking               any               herbal               medicine,               consult               a               qualified               oncologist               trained               in               botanical               medicine.
               An               ideal               complementary               treatment               for               cancer               patients               undergoing               chemotherapy,               garlic               offers               relief               from               chemotherapy               side               effects               while               strengthening               the               body's               defenses               against               cancerous               cells.

The               University               of               Maryland               Medical               Center               reports               that               garlic               may               increase               appetite               in               chemotherapy               patients;               it               also               helps               to               protect               the               colon               and               heart               from               chemotherapy-related               damage.

Garlic               also               helps               to               improve               immunity               in               peopel               with               inoperable               late-stage               cancer               and               may               restrict               the               growth               of               malignant               tumors.
               Green               Tea
               The               American               Cancer               Society               notes               that               green               tea               may               reduce               the               risk               of               several               forms               of               cancer,               including               those               affecting               the               breast,               stomach,               colon,               lungs,               prostate,               bladder               and               esophagus.

However,               the               University               of               Maryland               Medical               Center               warns               against               the               use               of               green               tea               supplements               in               people               undergoing               chemotherapy               treatment               for               prostate               cancer,               since               it               may               make               prostate               cells               less               sensitive               to               chemotherapy               drugs.
               According               to               the               University               of               Maryland               Medical               Center,               extracts               of               turmeric               appear               to               restrict               bloodflow               to               cancerous               tumors.

This               fragrant               spice               is               also               a               potent               antioxidant;               it               may               strengthen               healthy               cells               and               protect               against               the               dangerous               side               effects               associated               with               chemotherapy.

Consider               using               turmeric--               or               ginger,               its               close               botanical               relative--               to               ease               nausea               and               other               digestive               upsets               associated               with               chemotherapy               and               surgery.
               Asian               ginseng               is               widely               hailed               as               an               adaptogen;               it               enables               the               body               to               adjust               to               physical               or               emotional               stress               with               fewer               fluctuations               in               sleep,               appetite,               mood               or               stamina.

Because               of               this,               ginseng               may               be               an               ideal               complementary               herbal               treatment               for               chemotherapy               patients.

The               University               of               Maryland               Medical               Center               reports               that               people               taking               ginseng               supplements               have               lower               rates               of               lung,               liver,               pancreatic,               ovarian,               and               stomach               cancers;               it               may               inhibit               the               growth               of               several               types               of               tumor.

More               studies               are               needed               to               prove               these               effects,               but               preliminary               evidence               is               encouraging.
               Cat's               Claw
               This               popular               arthritis               remedy               may               also               be               a               helpful               complementary               treatment               for               cancer               patients.

The               National               Center               for               Complementary               and               Alternative               Medicine               acknowledges               cat's               claw's               long-standing               use               as               a               traditional               cancer               treatment;               integrative               oncologists               frequently               recommend               it               as               a               treatment               for               pain               and               immune               dysfunction               associated               with               chemotherapy.

However,               its               anticancer               properties               are               thus               far               only               supported               by               small-scale               laboratory               tests--               not               large-scale               clinical               trials.
               Red               Clover
               A               component               of               several               anticancerous               herbal               formulas,               red               clover               has               been               used               as               a               component               of               cancer               treatment               since               the               19th               century.

However,               the               University               of               Maryland               Medical               Center               warns               that               there               is               insufficient               evidence               to               support               its               therapeutic               use               in               complementary               cancer               treatment               or               prevention               technique.

Because               it               contains               estrogen-like               compounds,               it               may               actually               stimulate               the               growth               of               breast,               uterine               and               ovarian               cancers.
               Pau               d'Arco
               This               tropical               evergreen               has               been               investigated               as               a               treatment               for               hundreds               of               ailments.

The               American               Cancer               Society               reports               that               lapachol,               a               chemical               component               of               pau               d'arco,               appears               to               kill               or               restrict               sarcoma               cancer               cells.

Pau               d'arco               is               rarely               recommended               for               cancer               patients               who               will               need               surgery;               its               anticoagulant               properties               increase               the               risk               of               a               fatal               hemorrhagic               event.

Nevertheless,               it               appears               to               be               a               viable               complementary               treatment               for               some               forms               of               malignant               tumor.

Discontinue               use               of               pau               d'arco               two               weeks               before               surgery;               avoid               it               entirely               if               you               have               a               bleeding               disorder.
               For               more               information               about               evidence-based               integrative               oncology,               visit               the               National               Center               for               Complementary               and               Alternative               Medicine,               Mayo               Clinic's               CAM               department,               the               University               of               Maryland               Medical               Center               or               the               American               Cancer               Society.

Image of inoperable lung cancer

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inoperable lung cancer

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    2013년 11월 23일 토요일

    About 'treatments for lung cancer'|General Facts on Lung Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment For Lung Cancer

    About 'treatments for lung cancer'|General Facts on Lung Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment For Lung Cancer

    Lung               cancer               is               a               cancerous               tumor               that               starts               from               cells               of               the               lung.

    It               can               be               life               threatening               because               lung               cancer               is               commonly               found               after               the               cancer               cells               have               spread               to               other               parts               of               the               body.

    Smoking               and               secondhand               smoke               is               the               leading               risk               factor               for               lung               cancer.

    There               are               some               other               risk               factors               which               are               asbestos,               radon,               marijuana,               lung               diseases,               and               can               even               be               caused               genetically.

    Here               are               some               helpful               tips               on               how               to               cope               with               a               lung               cancer               diagnosis.

    How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #1
                   Stop               Smoking.

    If               you               are               smoking               you               can               potentially               continue               to               decrease               your               days               of               living               on               this               earth.

    Try               to               get               some               Nicoderm               patches               or               talk               to               your               doctor               on               what               is               the               best               way               to               quit               smoking.

    If               you               keep               on               smoking               you               will               continue               to               get               worse               and               possibly               be               in               much               more               pain.

    You               can               find               more               information               about               Nicoderm               CQ               at               http://www.nicodermcq.com/Faqs.aspx.
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #2
                   Pray               every               day               that               you               will               have               strength               to               endure               the               pain,               cope               with               your               lung               cancer               and               to               find               the               right               treatment               that               is               best               for               you.

    Every               day               prayers               will               help               you               tremendously               when               it               comes               to               dealing               with               your               breast               cancer.
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #3
                   Spiritual               meditation               can               really               help               you               during               this               difficult               time.

    It               can               reduce               a               lot               of               stress               and               anxiety.

    It               will               improve               your               sleep               and               increase               your               energy               level.

    A               great               website               to               check               out               for               beginners               is               Meditation               Escape               at               www.meditationescape.com/how-to-meditate-for-beginners.html.
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #4
                   Do               a               lot               of               research               about               lung               cancer.

    When               you               research,               you               find               out               more               information               that               can               better               help               you               with               your               difficult               time               and               the               decisions               you               need               to               make.

    A               great               book               is               Lung               Cancer:               Myths,               Facts,               Choices               and               Hope               by               Claudia               I.

    Henschke,               Peggy               McCarthy,               and               Sara               Wernickl.

    You               can               find               this               great               book               at               www.amazon.com.

    There               is               a               great               article               written               by               T.

    Hillukka               that               has               great               information               on               the               statistics               of               lung               cancer.

                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #5
                   Research               the               different               kind               of               treatments               your               doctor               has               recommended.

    There               are               many               different               types               of               treatments               including               chemotherapy,               radiation,               surgery,               and               laser               light               therapy.
                   What               is               chemotherapy               and               how               can               it               work?
                   Chemotherapy               is               a               term               for               any               treatment               involving               the               use               of               chemical               agents               to               stop               the               cancer               cells               from               growing.

    There               are               many               side               effects,               but               they               now               have               many               ways               to               help               prevent               and               control               these               side               effects.
                   What               is               radiotherapy               and               how               can               it               work?
                   Radiotherapy               is               the               use               of               high               energy               X-rays               to               safely               and               effectively               kill               cancer               cells               in               your               body               as               well               as               try               to               cure               the               cancer,               control               tumor               growth,               and               relieve               pain               symptoms.

    It               also               damages               their               ability               to               multiply.
                   Can               surgery               be               an               option?
                   Surgery               is               normally               done               at               the               early               stages               to               try               and               remove               the               cancerous               tumor.

    During               surgery               they               usually               remove               the               lymph               nodes               in               the               center               of               the               chest               to               see               if               the               cancer               has               spread.
                   What               is               laser               light               therapy?
                   Laser               light               therapy               is               a               narrow               beam               of               highly               intense               lights               that               destroys               cancer               cells               and               is               usually               used               to               remove               tumors               that               are               blocking               the               airway               in               the               body.

    Be               aware               though               that               laser               light               therapy               will               not               cure               your               lung               cancer.
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #6
                   Clinical               trials               are               a               great               way               to               test               out               new               products               that               could               help               or               treat               lung               cancer.

    Some               of               the               organizations               that               have               clinical               trials               are               City               of               Hope,               and               The               National               Cancer               Institute.
                   City               of               Hope               www.cityofhope.org               
                   The               National               Cancer               Institute               http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/ft-lung-cancer
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #7
                   Ask               help               from               your               family,               friends,               and               church               members               from               the               church               you               belong               to.

    There               are               many               people               of               there               willing               to               help               if               you               ask.

    It               is               a               difficult               time               for               you               and               you               will               need               all               the               support               you               can               get.
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #8
                   It               is               very               important               to               have               professional               to               confide               in               besides               friends,               family,               and               church               members.

    You               may               want               to               find               a               therapist               or               psychologist               that               specializes               in               patients               with               lung               cancer               in               your               area.

    Your               doctor               would               most               likely               have               some               great               recommendations               in               your               area.
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #9
                   Ask               the               doctor               if               you               can               record               the               conversations               in               the               doctor's               office               when               he               is               explaining               important               details               about               your               lung               cancer.

    It               is               a               lot               more               difficult               to               remember               when               you               are               under               stress               and               this               would               be               great               to               listen               to               again,               if               needed.

    Another               way               is               to               take               notes               or               bring               a               friend               or               family               members               along               to               take               notes               for               you.

    Be               sure               and               ask               for               the               spelling               of               a               word               if               you               don't               know               how               to               spell               it               in               case               you               need               to               go               online               for               references.
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #10
                   Support               Groups               locally               or               online               are               very               important               to               have               during               these               difficult               times.

    You               can               share               experiences               with               other               people               and               they               can               share               experiences               with               you.

    Some               great               places               to               check               out               online               are               The               American               Cancer               Society               and               Gilda's               Club.
                   American               Cancer               Society:               www.cancer.org
                   Gilda's               Club:               http://www.gildasclub.org/
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #11
                   Exercising               is               very               important               to               keep               your               energy               level               up               as               well               as               your               self-esteem               during               these               difficult               times.

    There               is               a               book               called               Cancer               Fitness:               Exercise               Programs               for               Patients               and               Survivors               by               Anna               L.

    Schwartz               and               foreword               by               Lance               Armstrong.

    You               can               find               this               book               on               www.amazon.com.
                   How               to               Cope               with               a               Lung               Cancer               Diagnosis               Tip               #12
                   Eat               a               well-balanced               meal               as               a               cancer               patient               or               a               cancel               survival               is               very               important.

    After               all,               "we               are               what               we               eat".

    A               great               book               that               has               some               very               easy               recipes               and               recommendations               during               and               after               treatment               of               cancer               is               Eating               Well               Through               Cancer               by               Holly               Clegg               and               Gerald               Miletello.

    You               can               find               this               book               on               www.amazon.com.
                   *The               information               contained               in               this               article               is               not               intended               nor               implied               to               be               a               substitute               for               professional               medical               advice               nor               is               it               intended               to               be               for               medical               diagnosis               or               treatments.

    Always               consult               your               doctor               before               taking               any               medical               advice               or               if               you               are               concerned               about               your               physical               well               being.

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